Amber McCall

I am the curious type. Human nature has fascinated me. Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have one big drama and pity party to another, while others seem to have it all together and never get stressed out? I know I did, and I decided to figure it all out.

When I was 19 years old, my desire was to attend an official Bible college, but that didn’t work out as planned. Science always interested me, so nursing became my ministry and career. Of course, I wanted to take it to the max – this, I become a family nurse practitioner. The fascination with how and why people make the decisions they do was still there, too. My research interestes grew to include faith, health, specifically how faith impacted decision-making. I also had a love for education – in particular, how to most effectively teach adults.

When I was an intensive care and hospice nurse, I came to understand how short our time on this planet is. I saw patients who had peace at the end of their lives and others who drowned their regrets. That was when I made the choice – the decision = to live vividly.

Today, teaching others how to live vividly is my passion. Livin’ Vivid with Amber is designed to help people, just like you, help themselves by learning how their decisions impact daily living, and ultimately their happiness, peace and life enjoyment.

And isn’t that really what we all want most out of life? Download this free mini course to learn 5 Tips to Making Big Decisions with Ease.