I wonder this, I wonder that!
As a chick born with a 50-50 brain, meaning 50% creative & 50% logical, I sometimes wonder if I’m wondering enough, or too much!
With a wondering brain, that doesn’t mean it must wander! Now, sure it can wander when I want it to, which is fine so long as it doesn’t cause me distress.
So, let’s allow our minds to both wonder & wander for a moment.
What do you wonder?
Let’s make sure we know what we’re talking about.
Wonder, as a noun, means a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable. As a verb, it means two things: 1) desire or be curious to know something & 2) feel admiration and amazement; marvel.
Let’s begin with a few questions (grab a pen or your smartphone & write down your answers!):
- What causes YOU to have a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration?
- What causes YOU to feel beautiful?
- What do YOU desire?
- What are you curious to know about?
- What do YOU to admire?
- What amazes YOU?
The answers to these questions help you determine what wonder you may be called to bring forth into the world.
Share your answers with a trusted friend. Brainstorm. Be bold! Move forward. Don’t stagnate!
Let what brings you wonder help you find what will bring your wonder to the world.
Bonus: Here’s a 9 minute TED talk about science & wonder! Click Here!
Amber, wonder is a magical and very delicious word. Often I reflect on the ” I wonders.” Years ago I wondered if I could have the kind of marriage relationship that I saw in a couple before me. It was the first time I wondered if something similar to what looked like incredible sparkle and peace all at the same time, could be possible for me and the man I was about to divorce. 26 years later, now married 35 years the answer to my wondering was Yes, YES. Our relationship has become much more than I even wondered about that Easter Sunday in 1991. Wondering is the best thing. Wonder expands everything. You just caused me to realize one of the main reasons that WONDER Woman is my favourite super hero. Thanks Amber.
Yetta! That is WONDERful! Yes, when I got married after only 3 months of knowing Ryan, I thought the same thing! He was a truly WONDERful decision : ) Thank you for sharing!